Please make sure your manuscript is prepared according to the guidelines and template.
The best papers, following peer review, will be selected for publication in Physica Medica: The European Journal of Medical Physics.
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Guidelines for the preparation of final papers for the conference proceedings
Only original works, nowhere else published before, dealing with the conference topics and prepared in compliance with the enclosed requirements will be accepted for the conference.
The paper must be written in English. The written material of the article should be prepared on a paper of A4 size page using Microsoft Word for Windows text editor. The length of the paper must be of 4 or 6 pages.
The paper must be written in two columns in Times New Roman fonts, single spacing and with no indentations.
Margins on the first page are as follows: left, right and bottom margins – 2 cm, top margin – 6 cm wide. All margins on the second and subsequent pages are 2 cm wide.
On the first page title of paper ought to be placed at the distance of 6 cm from the top edge of the page. The title should be written in bold capital letters using Times New Roman 13-point font, single spacing and centered in the whole width of the page. Below the title there should be 2 empty, 10-point lines left.
In lines that follow in order the names of the authors and institutions are written (surname in capitals) using 10-point font with single spacing. Next, there are again 3 empty lines of a 10-point height.
Below, the actual text of the paper begins. The text is written in two columns with the space of 1 cm between them, using Times New Roman 10-point font, single spacing. The text should begin with an abstract (the word ‘Abstract’ written in 10-point bold italics) of a scope of not more than 10 lines (10-point font also). The abstract section is followed by keywords section written in the same way.
Titles of chapters should be written in 10-point bold type font with single spacing. They should be numbered by successive Arabic figures and centered in lines. Titles of subsections are to be written in 10-point bold type font with single-spacing as well, but they should be aligned with the left edge of the column. All titles are to be separated from the text by 1 (10-point) empty line above, and 1 (6-point) empty line below the title.
Contents of chapters and subsections must be aligned with both edges of each column without any additional spacing between lines.
Drawings, diagrams and photographs are to be considered as the same and referred to using abbreviations, for instance ‘Fig.’ and marked as Fig. along with the successive number. The drawings may be prepared by using of any technique (as black lines on a white background) and photographs must be black-and-white only. Captions of figures are to be written in 9-point font, single spacing. The font size on the figures should ensure them a good legibility. The space between figure and its caption should have the size of 6-point font. Above each figure and below its caption should be 1 empty line spacing (10-point).
Tables ought to be numbered by Arabic figures and referred to by the word, for instance: Table 1. The headings informing about the contents of tables should begin with the word ‘Table’ followed by the successive number and ought to be written in 9-point font and shifted towards the left margin. The heading should be separated from the table by 1, 6-point empty line.
Figures and tables should be not more than 8 cm wide and ought to be centered in column. In particular cases it is allowed to insert figures or tables that require the full width of page (maximum 17 cm). In such cases they should be centered on the full width of page together with captions or headings.
Mathematical equations ought to be centrally arranged in lines and numbered by successive Arabic figures using parentheses aligned with the right-side edge of the column. Symbols and variables in equations as well as in the text should be written in italics, while vectors and matrices in ordinary bold type. Equations ought to be separated from the text by 1 empty line (10-point).
After the actual text, the article should contain references and sources from which the information has been taken. The references must be numbered successively by Arabic figures and referred to in the text by these numbers in square brackets, for instance: [2]. Each successive reference should be written with single spacing and an incision of 0.5 cm in every successive line.
The enclosed example of paper provides the general arrangement and the main requirements for preparing the manuscript.